Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?
With Bitcoin went historical high price around $65,000 recently, its creator, Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity attracts ever more attention by thousands and millions people.
So, who is Satoshi Nakamoto?
Satoshi Nakamoto is the anonymous name used by the creator of Bitcoin, but the real identity of him has never been confirmed.
In a message left in Bitcoin Talk, a forum created by him in 2009, Satoshi said he’s a Japanese living in a small village, but few believed this narrative as investigations, some enthusiasts for his real identity unremittingly seeking for, were found that his posts (more than 500) issued on Bitcoin Talk forum from 2009 to 2010 when he’s still active in developing and completing Bitcoin code, were saw deep decline or almost no being issued between the hours of 5 a.m. and 11 a.m GMT. Probably, Satoshi was in sleep in this period of time. But that is between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Japanese Time.
Another reason that people do not believe he’s Japanese because his native UK English expressions like “bloody hard”, terms such as “flat” and “maths”, and the spellings “grey” and “colour”. In this, peoples suspect his from the Commonwealth countries.
While as Bitcoin is a such a genius design that has never been seen, some firmly confirmed that Satoshi cannot be a single person. It has a good chance that Satoshi is a team with a group of talented members.
All in all, the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto produces all kinds of guesses. No exaggeration that his identity story can be constituted into an enchanting novel.
But why his identity keeps charming for all cyberpunk in the crypto sphere?
Bitcoin, the genius creation, is the reason of people’s constant enthusiasm. As we know, Satoshi has a position of 1 million bitcoin, that would be worth of 65 billion dollar, enough to be listed in the top 10 Forbes Billionaire list. But this position has never been transferred as of the time now, only adding more mysterious to his identity.
In the early days of Bitcoin, its value has not been recognized by the masses. Today, anecdote like a man paid 10,000 Bitcoin for 2 pizza on May 22, 2010 is ever more attracting and becomes folklore among all bitcoin adopters. Calculated by the ATH price at 65,000$/BTC, two pizza’s cost is 650,000,000$. Another interesting story is that in 2011 a game organizer, also early bitcoin adopter, thought why not distribute bitcoin to the follow-up winners. This unintentionally turned its losers into potential millionaires.

To understand peoples fervent seeking for Satoshi, we should know why bitcoin’s so amazing to the world.
The following picture shows how Satoshi described the use of bitcoin, a very vivid one by analogizing bitcoin as a bass metal as scarce as gold with other different properties.
In simple word, from the whitepaper — “Bitcoin: a Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” issued by Satoshi on 31 October, 2008, Bitcoin offered a solution to “double spending” , snags in prior digital currencies.
Solutions to combating the double-spend problem had historically involved the use of trusted, third-party intermediaries that would verify whether a digital currency had already been spent by its holder. But the born of Bitcoin total changed the story. With recording data on blockchain, the trust issues are solved by totally decentralized ways. This is such remarkable revolutions to the world that all human, imaging in the following years, no longer rely on the centralized banks, institutions, intermediaries. Their ill-maneuvers, mistakes may no longer affect the world economy. The financial power are handled by people itself.
In a word, no matter who’s Satoshi Nakamoto, his creating of the world-changing bitcoin are memorial to all human beings and all generation to come. Thanks for bring Bitcoin to us, Satoshi Nakamoto.
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